Omg… how depressing was last week’s episode (Favourite Son)! I know it was meant to be sad because of the story with poor baby
William but I was bored out of my mind. I hope things get more interesting and that there is a cliff-hanger that makes we want to tune into the second season. I’ve had enough of the whole ‘I love you, hugs & kisses’ crap. Tonight is the season finale (
Matriarchy) and the countdown is on as
Justin Walker prepares to go to war.
Brothers & Sisters has won a Golden Globe and back for a second season overseas, but it is not as popular in Europe as it is in the US. I have been checking the ratings and B&S is not in the Top 30 most watched on Channel 4 or Top 10 for E4.
The second season has started in the US, but it currently unknown who will pick up the season here in the UK. I’m not sure if Channel 4 will stick with it…
Brothers & Sisters Season Finale @ 11pm on E4
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