Eminem's ex-wife Kim Mathers, 32, claims that she was afraid of the rapper after he fantasised about murdering her in a song.
Kim said: "During his first tour in 1999 he was cheating on me a lot and drinking and using drugs.
"His ego just went poof. He was untouchable. Like he was God, that's what he thought."
She says she slit her wrists in 2000 because Eminem beat up a blow up doll of her on stage while the audience at his concert in Detroit cheered.
In an interview on US TV next Friday she will say: "Just hearing the crowd's response...I knew that it was about me."
The couple wed in June 1999, were divorced in August 2000 then remarried in January 2006.
But Kim said Emienm, 34, soon began ignoring her and the pair, who have one child, divorced again.
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