Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Charile Sheen Sent Denise Richards Nasty Emails

Denise Richards vs Charlie Sheen is without a doubt the nastiest divorce/custody battle...ever!

Richards filed papers on September 18, attempting to convince a judge to limit Sheen's visitation with the couple's two kids, particularly requesting no overnight visits.

Fox has got hold of some e-mails that Sheen sent to Richards a few months ago; they are not nice.

Here are some of the things Sheen said to his ex in the emails:

"You are a pig. A sad, jobless pig who is sad and talentless and, um, oh yeah, sad and jobless and evil and a bad mom, so go $%** yourself, sad, jobless pig."

And here is the woest one:
"Go cry to your bald mom, you **&%!% loser."

Richards mother is undergoing treatment for breast cancer.

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