Monday, 15 January 2007

Soapstar Superstar the aftermath!

Antony Cotton was chosen as the "Superstar" after seeing off his fellow sopastars to take the crown. With an interview on Digital Spy Antony revealed that he was "delighted" to have won and he also said that "ITV are going to be talking to me about other projects."

Meanwhile finalist Hayley Tammadon reveled in an interview with DigitalSpy that she has got six months left on her contract, but refused to say whether she will leave or enter the worl of musicals.

DigitalSpy also revealed that the Soapstars were not too fond of the Soapstar turned Superstar turned Judge, Martine McCutheon. The article said:

A source told The People: "Martine has become a real hate figure among the contestants. She always had something negative to say whether it was about their singing or their outfits.

"After every bitchy comment the contestant would head backstage and slag her off to the others. They just couldn't believe she was being so patronising to them."

A spokesman confirmed: "Some contestants have mentioned Martine's comments saying they found her patronising."

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